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Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers / Las Vegas Rear-end Collision Lawyers

Las Vegas Rear-end Collision Lawyers

Rear-end collisions are especially common in stop-and-go traffic during rush hour or other busy times, and they happen on city streets and highways as well. More forceful and harmful rear-end crashes occur at higher speeds during normal traffic flow when a driver fails to notice a sudden traffic slowdown or a stopped car ahead. With injuries ranging from mild to catastrophic, rear-end collisions are extremely common, making up more than a quarter of all traffic accidents.

After a rear-end crash in Las Vegas, Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers can help you through the most challenging aspects of proving the other driver’s liability and fault, as well as proving the nature of your injuries and the full extent of the damage that has been done to you by the other driver’s negligence. We can help ensure you get an accurate diagnosis and appropriate medical care while we work to resolve your claim for the best result. Rear-end crashes are not always as straightforward as they seem, and insurance companies have many tricks up their sleeve to deny responsibility or offer far less than the true value of the claim. Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers can help. Contact our experienced Las Vegas rear-end collision lawyers today.

Dangers of Serious Injury in Rear-end Collisions

Rear-end collisions typically result in less severe injury than other types of crashes, such as head-on collisions, T-bone crashes, and rollover accidents, and they are rarely fatal. That doesn’t mean that injuries in a rear-end crash can’t be serious, painful, and debilitating, with some even causing permanent damage. Some of the most common injuries sustained in a rear-end crash include:

  • Whiplash
  • Muscle sprains, strains or tears
  • Stretched or torn tendons or ligaments
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries and spinal injuries
  • Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries

Proving these injuries can be especially tricky, as many are not visible to the naked eye, and some evade common diagnostic tools such as X-rays. Moreover, cars are built today to withstand and absorb the shock of a rear-end crash, so the damage to a vehicle might make it seem like an accident wasn’t very serious. However, the mechanics of a rear-end crash nevertheless can cause great harm to the vehicle occupants even when the vehicle itself is not extensively damaged. At Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers, we rely on treating physicians, medical experts, mechanical engineers, and others to build a strong case that proves just how serious the collision was and what its true impact on the accident victims is.

Proving Fault in a Rear-end Collision

For a number of reasons, the driver in the rear is the one most often found responsible for causing a rear-end crash. The rear driver is the one who hit the car in front, and usually for reasons such as speeding, inattention, distracted driving, or drinking and driving, all of which go to prove the rear driver’s fault in causing the accident and liability for the damages incurred. These accidents happen often at stop signs and intersections, but they can occur anywhere due to a traffic slowdown, or if a car has stopped due to an obstruction in the road or to allow a pedestrian to cross the street.

Rear-end collisions can also be the fault of the forward driver if that driver slowed down or stopped in a negligent or unreasonable manner. If that driver was texting or driving under the influence, for instance, their negligence could render them wholly or partly responsible for the crash. In Nevada, an injury victim who is found partly to blame will have their damages reduced according to their portion of fault, and if they are considered more at fault than the other driver, they cannot recover any damages at all for their injuries. At Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers, we take great care in investigating the cause of the accident and building a strong case that proves the other driver’s fault. We’ll fight to see the insurance company doesn’t unfairly lay blame at your feet, whether we are negotiating a settlement out of court or presenting your case to a jury as we have done many times. Our team is in your corner, fighting for you to see that your claim is successful and that the results we achieve reflect the gravity of your situation.

Contact Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers After a Rear-end Collision in Las Vegas

If you or a family member has been hurt in a rear-end collision in Las Vegas, call Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers at 702-450-5000 for a free consultation. We’ll fight to see you get the care and compensation you need and deserve, and we don’t charge any fee until we have been successful in obtaining a recovery for you. Call today for immediate assistance from our zealous and compassionate legal team.