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Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyers / Las Vegas Distracted Driving Accident Lawyers

Las Vegas Distracted Driving Accident Lawyers

Everything about Las Vegas is designed to catch the eye and grab attention. For drivers, the task of keeping focus on the road and avoiding distractions might be especially difficult when navigating the strip or getting there from the airport, the I-15 and 215, and surrounding city streets. But whether you drive for a living or a side hustle ferrying passengers around town, are a local commuting to work or running errands, or are just visiting and renting a car or driving in, you are obligated to drive carefully and safely, avoiding distractions inside and outside the vehicle.

According to recent Nevada traffic crash statistics, distracted driving kills about a dozen people every year and is responsible for nearly four percent of all traffic fatalities. About half of these crashes happen in Clark County, far more often than anywhere else in the state. Victims are often pedestrians or bicyclists, who are especially vulnerable to losing their lives in a distracted driving crash.

Whether you were a driver, a passenger, a bicyclist or pedestrian, or some other road user, if you’ve been hurt in a crash caused by a distracted driver, the personal injury attorneys at Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers can help you hold that driver accountable for their negligence and help you get the compensation you need and deserve. Contact us right away for immediate assistance from a team of experienced and dedicated Las Vegas distracted driving accident lawyers.

What Constitutes Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving refers to any activity that diverts attention from driving. This includes:

  • Texting and using a smartphone
  • Adjusting the radio or navigation system
  • Eating and drinking
  • Talking to passengers
  • Grooming

These are only examples of the most common distracted driving behaviors. Any action that takes a driver’s hands off the wheel, their eyes off the road, or their attention away from driving, is considered distracted driving, and drivers who get into accidents while distracted can be held liable for their negligence. At Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers, we take the time to thoroughly investigate the cause of the crash and gather the evidence needed to build a strong case proving the other driver’s negligence.

Nevada Texting While Driving Law

Texting while driving has been illegal in Nevada since 2011. Other prohibited activities include any handheld use of the phone while driving, including talking. Although hands-free conversations are permitted, the Nevada Department of Transportation makes it clear that even hands-free use of a smartphone pulls one’s attention from the road and can be a distracting behavior that causes an accident. In Nevada and Las Vegas, the law is clear: drivers owe a duty of care to others on the road. Engaging in distracted driving breaches this duty and can lead to severe consequences.

The Impact of Distracted Driving Accidents

Victims of distracted driving accidents in Las Vegas often face significant challenges, including physical injuries, emotional trauma, financial strain and property damage. Physical injuries can range from minor to life-threatening, and the psychological impact of being in a serious car accident can be profound and long-lasting. Medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses can accumulate quickly and become overwhelming at a time when an accident victim is hurting while trying to recover physically and put their life back in order.

The personal injury attorneys at Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers understand the direct and long-term economic impact of a severe car accident, as well as the toll such an event takes on one physically and emotionally. We commit all of our years of experience, knowledge and resources to recover a full amount of compensation for all the legal damages you have suffered because another driver failed to drive with the care and attention they owed to you.

What to Do After a Distracted Driving Accident in Las Vegas

If you’re involved in a distracted driving accident in Las Vegas, taking these steps will help you get the care you need and protect your ability to file a claim against the negligent distracted driver that is ultimately successful and fully compensates you for the harm you suffered:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is paramount. Don’t refuse First Aid at the scene if needed or even a trip to the hospital if offered or recommended. Follow up with a physician within days of the accident for a thorough examination.
  2. Report the Accident: Inform the police and get a copy of the accident report. You will also need to notify the insurance company in a timely fashion; talking to a lawyer first can help prepare you for making this call and avoid making statements the insurance company can use against you.
  3. Document Everything: If you are physically able at the time of the crash, take photos of the scene and gather witness information. Keep records of expenses, receipts and reports related to the accident.
  4. Contact Mainor Ellis: Consult with our attorneys to understand your legal options. The sooner you call after the accident, the sooner we can start protecting your claim and pursuing compensation on your behalf.

Contact Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers After a Distracted Driving Accident in Las Vegas

Distracted driving accidents can have devastating consequences. Mainor Ellis Injury Lawyers is committed to providing comprehensive legal support to crash victims in Las Vegas. We understand the challenges you face and are here to guide you through every step of the legal process. If you or a loved one has been affected by a distracted driving accident, contact us to ensure your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve. Call 702-450-5000 for a free consultation. There’s no fee until we win your case.